The Intake/Diversion Unit of the Mohave County 缓刑 Department is tasked with the responsibility of reviewing all juvenile referrals submitted by law enforcement.

The Intake Unit works closely with the Mohave County Attorney’s Office to identify the low-level and low-risk youth for participation in the Diversion Program. Diversion serves as a means to redirect many first-time justice-involved youths from the juvenile court process while remaining focused on community protection and still holding the juvenile accountable for their actions. 缓刑 Officers in the Intake Unit work diligently with the families to assess the juvenile’s risk to the community and assign educational consequences.

Juveniles may also be referred to local treatment options when appropriate. Programs offered through the probation department include Teen Law School, 少年法庭, online drug and alcohol 类, shoplifting 类, and workbooks that require family participation.

For juveniles not diverted from the juvenile justice system, Intake Officers are required to write a report to aid the Court in deciding the disposition of a case. Juveniles can be placed on Standard 缓刑, Juvenile Intensive 缓刑 (JIPS), or be committed to the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections.

Prop 207 Referrals

If I have been charged with marijuana related offenses as a juvenile, they are likely going to be dealt with through the probation department with an intake officer. During this process fines and/or educational 类 may be assessed.


The idea for 少年法庭 originated in Odessa, Texas in 1972 when a judge decided to implement a program to try and reach first-time justice-involved individuals of misdemeanor offenses. The program proved to be successful and began spreading throughout the United States based on the Texas model.

To be eligible for 少年法庭, the juvenile must be between the ages of 14-17. Each teen must admit guilt to the offense for which they have been charged. They must also be willing to complete the interventions assigned by the jury. All participants in the courtroom are teens except for the judge. 少年法庭 works because teens are judging other teens.  With 少年法庭, positive peer pressure is the underlying motivational factor.

The most common offenses referred to 少年法庭 are shoplifting, criminal trespass, 盗窃, possession of drug paraphernalia, disorderly conduct, minor consumption of alcohol.

Interventions imposed by 少年法庭 include Community Restitution Service, 论文, 咨询, 陪审员的义务, Life Skills, 类, monetary fines, apology letters, education programs such as “Stoplifting” and "Marijuana 101".

少年法庭 is held twice a month in the evenings in Lake Havasu City. For more information, you may contact the Lake Havasu City office at (928) 453-0707